Probably won't finish this because Carrd is so finicky... - Carrd

Welcome to my Carrd. I remade this from scratch.(CW for potential eyestrain with links, and CW for the following series: Puella Magi Madoka Magica + Magia Record, Keroro Gunso/Sgt. Frog)
(TW for mentions of naziism, rape, zionism, racism, incest and misogyny in blacklist and boundaries)

Other links

Under construction. Remaking this from scratch. Here's more text to test.
Link test: test
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Second item
Third item
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I'm Wannur, I'm an exasperated, abrasive, yet easily impressionable person. Mostly I am pessimistic.I also change the way I write sometimes, but for my Carrd, I'm using this somewhat "professional" writing style.Other nasty habits include writing short posts on Tumblr, writing nonsensical rants, that's really it.I have undiagnosed disabilities and mental illnesses (likely autism, ADHD, PTSD, depression, anxiety and OCD), so I may act off. I also struggle living my life everyday, especially as an only child with parents who never understand me.I mainly struggle with undiagnosed OCD the most. That sucks.So hey! I know I may be an asshole sometimes! I just don't want to say "sorry" because it's not a good thing. (unless I find something really funny, I couldn't resist once) Did you know it won't make an actual apology hit as hard?...I also played Toontown Corporate Clash out of mental illness. kinda feels like having a job.As for why I picked a Carrd... well. It's so easy for me.Nekoweb? ... I've passed. I'm just lazy to do CSS.Strawpage? I don't know, I've never heard of anyone that's made one without gimmicks. And honestly, I don't wanna add more to my plate. (Yea, there are good people there that outweigh the genuinely fucked up anons, but still)Rentry? It has views. I don't wanna think about people viewing my blacklist and boundaries, that's weird!Tumblr? Unconventional, I've used it in 2022, but... I'll pass. Editing is also kind of limited there even if it supports CSS...Neocities? Has AI crap. Fuck that.Carrd is bad and I can't make a shrine.
What the title says. Also I would've added stamps here but I got lazy and didn't bother.

Names: Wannur/Wan
Age: 20 (Dec 16)
Gender: Genderfluid transmasc
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Malaysian
Languages: English (fluent), Malay (okay, yes, this is severely ironic)
Likes: Nonhuman characters that aren't anthropomorphic, fictional animals (real or fictitious species), conventionally "cutesy" things, vivid colors, jesters, fictional robots, demons, abstract creatures?
Dislikes: Feeling alone in specific things, slow reaction time, realizing things when it's too late, noisy neighbors, algorithms, poor odds
A few characters I like
(highlight = fave!)
Deep Diver/Mary Anna (TTCC)
Rainmaker/Misty Monsoon (TTCC)
Prethinker/Brian (TTCC)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Seam (Deltarune)
Sweet Cap'n Cakes (Deltarune)
Dusknoir (PMD)
Grovyle (PMD)
Black and White Spy (Spy vs. Spy)
Shadow Milk (CRK)
Timekeeper (CROB)
Dusknoir broke my Carrd LMAOOO
(Trigger warning for mentions of naziism, rape, zionism, racism, incest and misogyny)Some names are censored because people can get a bit too defensive about specific things... I forgot to say it, but I might as well now: if you screenshot my blacklist and mock it with your friends you're miserable and need a hobby.
Blacklist | |
Specific kinds of people (general) | People who have had a "nazi phase", zionists, supports the police in any way (e.g. saying "not all cops are bad"), misogynists (especially white cishet men) |
Specific kinds of people (online users) | Rape fetishists, incest fetishists, pr0shippers/fetishistic "d3ad dove"/etc., "yandere" accounts (not reclaiming the stereotype), "anime dudebros", AO3 supporters |
Specific people (industry only) | Doja Cat, J0hnny Depp, Harry Styles, Todd Haberkorn, Sean Chiplock (VAsonicmega), Chris Niosi (Kirbopher), Vivi3nne Medrano (Vivzi3pop), Lil N4s X |
Specific people (web content only) | Emily Y0ucis, Sh4dman, Z0ne-tan (Z0NE-SAMA), P3wdiepie, Gabriel C. Brown (BlackGryph0n), Dream (YouTuber), Wilbur Soot, Vic Micn0gna, Griffin Lewis (Fandroid), Jenny Nicholson, Rebornica (Deo/Bones/etc.), Deep-Sea Pris0ner (Okeg0m), Lindsay Ellis, ContraPoints |
Specific works (includes web and indie media) | Alfred's Playh0use, The C0ffin of Andy and L3yley, Wadan0hara (RPG), M0geko Castle, C0untryhumans, H3talia, C4mp C4mp, TOME (webseries), Super Mario L0gan/S.M.L. |
Specific ships (both for fanon and canon) | St0litz, BillD1p, MaB1ll, V4lAngel, V0xVal/StaticM0th, Ca1tVi |
Specific characters (includes web and indie media) | Valent1no (Hazb1n Hotel), M0gekos (Mogeko Castle), Jimmy (Mouthwashing), St0las (Helluva B0ss), Andr3w and Ashl3y Graves (The C0ffin of Andy and L3yley), J3ffy (Super Mario L0gan), Caitlyn (Arcane/League of Legends) |
Squicks | |
Specific works (includes web and indie media) | Billie Bust Up, Lackadaisy |
Specific characters (includes web and indie media) | Vi (Arcane/League of Legends) |
Specific ships (both for fanon and canon) | J4yVik, BillF0rd |
I don't need a BYF and I block freely. If you are one of them, chances are you are in any of these categories.Some names are censored because people can get a bit too defensive about specific things... I forgot to say it, but I might as well now: if you screenshot my boundaries and mock it with your friends you're miserable and need a hobby.
Boundaries | |
People I block (general) | Anyone positive about Israhell, bigots (conservatives, "M4GA", etc.), people who speak over BIPOC (especially if they're white), trans people who compare transphobia to antiblackness (they are not comparable), racist white trans people, "puppyg1rls", antiblack "leftists" (usually are on Tumblr), liberals (who think you can't criticize democratic politicians despite the fact they are zionist, think voting for them is the only way) |
People I block (online users) | Supports the people in my blacklist, people with Valent1no (Hazb1n H0tel) PFPs, people with Andr3w and Ashl3y Graves (from that shitty fetish horror game) as their PFP, pr0shippers/fetishistic "d3ad dove"/etc. ("rule for thee but not for me" ass people), AO3 stans (refer to my previous note), NSFW users who talk about kids' media (unless it's about the adult characters), JayV1k shippers, anime dudebros (hate English dubs, are usually racist, etc.), "anti-SJWs" (who always misuse "woke"), AO3 supporters (usually think the site is a "bastion of queer remnance"), stans of Hazb1n and H3lluva (some of them are antiblack too) |